Canadian Immigration Policy Shift

The likely next prime minister of Canada, Pierre Poilievre, has shifted his stance on migration, promising to deeply cut immigration levels in response to public rejection of Trudeau's mass migration policies. Poilievre's proposal is tied to home building and job creation rates, seeking to address housing affordability issues. Many are skeptical of his sudden change, with some voters supporting Maxime Bernier, who opposes Trudeau's migration policy. The shift comes as a response to public sentiment and a poll indicating conservative voters want reduced migration. The article also discusses the impact of migration on housing affordability and the economy in both Canada and the US.

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau expands public investigation into allegations of conspiracy with foreign adversaries

Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau expands public investigation into allegations of conspiracy with foreign adversaries to influence elections and politics at home. Report claims some officials were 'semi-witting or witting' participants. Opposition calls for transparency in naming lawmakers involved.

Impact of Low-Wage Migrant Workers on Canada

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is facing criticism for expanding citizenship to foreign-born children of low-wage migrant workers, leading to economic instability and social unrest in Canada. The influx of migrants is impacting wages, productivity, housing costs, and overall well-being of Canadians.

Foreign Election Interference

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau testified that China did not change the outcomes of past elections despite evidence of interference. Trudeau dismissed claims of Chinese preference for his Liberal Party, while opposition leader Erin O'Toole accused China of costing his party seats. CSIS found evidence of PRC meddling targeting Conservative candidates and coercing Chinese students to support a Liberal candidate.

Air Pollution Crisis in Canada and Trudeau's Response

Analysis on U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry's efforts to restart climate negotiations with China, as Canada faces high levels of air pollution due to wildfires in 2023. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's response to the crisis is criticized for lack of preparation and infrastructure updates.

Tension between India and Canada over Sikh separatists

Indian Foreign Minister denounces Canada's permissiveness towards Sikh separatists and violence against Indian diplomats, citing ongoing problems and extradition requests ignored by Canada. Jaishankar criticizes Trudeau's accusations of Indian government involvement in killings, highlighting freedom of speech limitations on incitement to violence.