Serbian Government Reinstates Pro-Russia Officials Despite US Sanctions

Serbian lawmakers voted in a new government that reinstated two pro-Russia officials sanctioned by the US, indicating close ties with Moscow despite aspirations to join the EU. The government composition is seen as a strategic move to balance relationships with the West and Russia.

US Sanctions on IDF's Netzah Yehuda Battalion and Related Events

The US is expected to impose sanctions on the IDF's Netzah Yehuda battalion for alleged human rights abuses in the West Bank. Israeli strikes in Gaza have resulted in civilian casualties. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi will visit Pakistan to mend ties. Thousands protest in Israel demanding more action to bring hostages home. Explosions near a military airbase in Iran. The US House of Representatives passes aid to Ukraine and Israel.

Cuba's Request for Help from UN's Food Programme Due to Worsening Food Shortages

Cuba's government has requested help from the UN's food programme due to worsening food shortages, specifically asking for powdered milk for children under seven. The country is facing shortages of milk, fuel, and medicines, with the government blaming US sanctions and critics pointing to government mismanagement.

US Imposes Sanctions on Russia

The United States imposes sanctions on over 500 targets connected to Russia's war machine and the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The sanctions focus on financial infrastructure, entities supplying critical technology to Russia, and those evading sanctions. President Biden calls on support for Ukraine and warns of consequences for not aiding them.