US Intelligence on China's View of the 2024 US Presidential Election

US intelligence agencies assess that China has no clear preference between President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump, as they both are seen as intent on containing China and disrupting its rise. A second Trump administration could pose significant problems for Beijing, while a second Biden term offers little comfort to China. Chinese officials believe that both candidates are intent on containing China and disrupting its rise.

US-China Cyber Relations

The Biden administration is preparing to publicly accuse Chinese hackers of conducting hacks against US companies on behalf of China's spy agency. The hackers are expected to be named with photos, and a British accusation is also in the works. China has denied the allegations, and the US is focusing on cyber-espionage rather than disruptive attacks. The hackers are associated with a Wuhan-based technology company known as APT31 or Judgement Panda.

Investigative journalism on Chinese Communist Party's operations in the US

Peter Schweizer's new book 'Blood Money' exposes the Chinese Communist Party's covert operations in the American drug trade, social justice movement, and medical establishment to sow chaos and decadence in the United States, revealing how China is killing Americans while US leaders turn a blind eye.