Russia's Victory Day Celebration and Putin's Speech

Russia marked the 79th anniversary of the Soviet Union's victory over Nazi Germany in World War II. Russian President Vladimir Putin drew parallels between history and the current fight in Ukraine.

Russian President Putin's Speech on Victory Day and Ukraine Conflict

Russian President Vladimir Putin accuses the West of risking a global conflict and asserts no one will be allowed to threaten Russia as the country marks Victory Day. Putin casts the war in Ukraine as part of a struggle with the West, claiming Russia will prevent a global clash but will not allow any threats to its sovereignty.

Russian President Putin's Accusations During Victory Day Celebrations

Russian President Vladimir Putin accuses the West of risking global conflict during Victory Day celebrations. Putin asserts that Russia will not allow anyone to threaten them and that their strategic forces are always ready for combat. The crisis in Ukraine deepens with warnings of broader nuclear war.

Russian Display of Captured Tanks from Ukraine

A month-long outdoor display in Moscow showcased tanks and military equipment captured by Russia in Ukraine, including American and British tanks. The exhibit coincides with Victory Day festivities and is seen as a celebration of the invasion of Ukraine by Putin.