Impact of America First Immigration Policies on Joe Biden's Political Career

A liberal political scientist warns that Donald Trump's America First immigration policies could harm Joe Biden's political career in 2024 by undermining his popular healthcare policies. Trump's dominance in swing states and Biden's low polling are cited as factors. The article suggests that Biden's inaction on securing the border could lead to a political comeback for Trump.

Fox News Poll on Wisconsin Voters' Preferences

Fox News Poll in Wisconsin shows tie between Biden and Trump in a hypothetical 2-way presidential race, with Biden leading by 2 points when third-party candidates are included. Voters split by age, gender, and party lines in their preferences. Trump favored on handling immigration and the economy, while Biden leads on abortion, health care, and election integrity. Wisconsinites feel positive about personal finances. Biden has higher approval rating than Trump, with majority believing Biden was legitimately elected in 2020.

Political Party Identification Trends in the U.S.

Since about 2003, Democrats have consistently outnumbered Republicans in terms of registered voters, but the gap has shrunken during Joe Biden's presidency. Republicans have made gains among certain demographics while Democrats have maintained support from key groups. The media's influence has decreased, and the Democratic party has shifted further left, leading to changes in voter identification.

Inflation and U.S. Economy under President Biden

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen discusses inflation and the U.S. economy under President Biden with FOX Business' Edward Lawrence on 'Special Report.' A new report out of Wisconsin highlights the impact of inflation and high grocery prices on voters' choices in the upcoming presidential election.