Massive Fire in Warsaw Shopping Complex

A massive fire broke out in a shopping complex in Warsaw, Poland, causing great financial losses for merchants and their families. The fire department reported that more than 80% of the complex was burned, with no injuries reported.

Attack on Warsaw Synagogue

Warsaw's main synagogue was attacked with firebombs, but sustained minimal damage and nobody was hurt. The incident was strongly condemned by political leaders.

Warsaw, Poland's Investment in Bomb Shelters

Warsaw, Poland is investing around $30 million in bomb shelters and security measures due to the war in neighboring Ukraine. Only 4% of the population currently has access to shelters, prompting the city to prepare for potential strikes.

Warsaw Judge Igor Tuleya's Fight for Democracy in Poland

Warsaw Judge Igor Tuleya becomes a celebrity for fighting against the erosion of democratic institutions in Poland, facing a two-year suspension for seeking intervention from the European Court of Justice.