Russia's Nuclear Doctrine Update

Russia is updating its nuclear doctrine, including the conditions under which nuclear weapons could be used, in response to increasing threats. This comes amid heightened tensions with the West due to the war in Ukraine.

Vladimir Putin's Warning to the West and Peace Talks with Ukraine

Vladimir Putin warns the West of dangerous turn of events and accuses them of theft, while calling for new global security model and peace talks with Ukraine.

Russian Warships Conduct Drills En Route to Cuba

Russian warships conducted drills in the Atlantic en route to Cuba, simulating a missile strike on enemy ships. The Admiral Gorshkov frigate and Kazan nuclear submarine participated in the exercise. The visit to Cuba is part of Russia's efforts to project power amid tensions with the West over Ukraine.

Rising Islamist Violence in Europe and the West

The article discusses a series of Islamist attacks in Europe and the West, highlighting a growing trend of violence that many people have become resigned to. It explores the reluctance to address the perpetrators and the shift of blame to victims or far-right groups. The author questions whether the West can combat Islamist threats while upholding democratic values.

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin's Alliance Against the West

Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin strengthen their alliance against the West during Putin's official visit to China, accusing the U.S. and its allies of hindering their nations' rise. The visit highlighted the strong ties between the two countries, with a focus on economic cooperation and shared views on geopolitical issues.

Russia's Nuclear Threats Against the West

Vladimir Putin's new advisor, Sergei Karaganov, has made chilling remarks about Russia launching a nuclear strike against the West as a deterrent. Karaganov believes Russia should not lose to the West and should be ready to use nuclear weapons if necessary. The Kremlin has been escalating threats against the West since the invasion of Ukraine, raising concerns about a potential nuclear conflict.

Vladimir Putin's New Advisor and Nuclear Threats Against the West

Vladimir Putin's new advisor, Professor Doomsday, suggests launching a pre-emptive nuclear strike against Europe to deter the West. The advisor believes in using nuclear weapons as a deterrent rather than a last resort, leading to increased tensions between Russia and the West.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's Accusation Against the West

Russian President Vladimir Putin accuses the West of risking a global conflict during Russia's celebration of the Soviet Union's victory over Nazi Germany.

Russian President Putin's Accusations During Victory Day Celebrations

Russian President Vladimir Putin accuses the West of risking global conflict during Victory Day celebrations. Putin asserts that Russia will not allow anyone to threaten them and that their strategic forces are always ready for combat. The crisis in Ukraine deepens with warnings of broader nuclear war.

Kremlin blames Ukraine and the West for Moscow attack

The Kremlin is blaming Ukraine and the West for the Moscow attack, despite lack of evidence. Russian officials have made accusations against Ukraine and the U.S. and U.K. without concrete proof.

Implications of Vladimir Putin's Potential 6-Year Presidential Term on Ukraine and the West

Yale historian Timothy Snyder discusses the implications of another 6-year presidential term for Vladimir Putin on Ukraine and the West with NPR's Scott Simon.

Russia's Involvement in Ukraine

The Kremlin declares Russia is in a 'state of war' in Ukraine, sparking questions about a change in approach following Putin's election victory. The comments suggest a shift towards deeper involvement in the conflict.

Vladimir Putin's Threats of Nuclear Conflict with the West

Vladimir Putin warns the West of potential nuclear conflict in a lengthy speech before the upcoming election, boasting about Russia's military power and readiness for war.

Russian President Vladimir Putin's threat of nuclear conflict with the West

Russian President Vladimir Putin renews threat of nuclear conflict with the West as Russian court rejects appeal of American ballerina detained on treason charges.

Putin's Flight on Nuclear-Capable Bomber

President Putin takes a short flight on a supersonic bomber, showcasing Russia's nuclear capabilities and projecting power ahead of elections.