Incident Involving Mujahid Abadi in Jenin

Mujahid Abadi, 24, was involved in an incident in the West Bank city of Jenin that made international headlines and drew widespread condemnation.

Israeli Soldier Uses Palestinian as Human Shield

Mujahid Abadi was shot and then strapped to an Israeli military jeep, sparking condemnation. He was later released to paramedics after being used as a human shield.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians in the Middle East

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians in the Middle East has a long history, with recent incidents sparking outrage. A video shows a wounded Palestinian man strapped to an Israeli military jeep in Jenin, prompting an investigation. The violence has escalated in the West Bank and Gaza, leading to numerous casualties on both sides. Israeli Minister of Defense is in Washington to discuss the ongoing war in Gaza with U.S. officials.

Palestinian Hope in US Campus Protests

Palestinians in the West Bank find hope in the protests on US campuses.

US Considers Sanctions Against IDF Battalion for Human Rights Abuses

The Biden administration is considering imposing sanctions against the IDF's Netzah Yehuda battalion for alleged human rights abuses against Palestinians in the West Bank, marking the first time the US would take such action. Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, strongly oppose the sanctions, arguing that the unit is crucial to Israel's defense and that they have independent courts to handle any violations. The potential sanctions are based on the Leahy Laws, which prohibit military assistance to individuals or units committing gross human rights violations.

U.S. Considers Sanctions on Israel Defense Forces Battalion for Human Rights Violations in West Bank

The Biden administration is considering imposing sanctions on an Israel Defense Forces battalion for alleged human rights violations in the West Bank. The U.S. has also imposed sanctions on individuals and entities associated with Israel and Iran due to escalating tensions in the region.

Israeli Settlers Rampage in West Bank

Israeli settlers in the West Bank went on a rampage, attacking Palestinian villages following the killing of a missing Israeli teen in a 'terrorist attack.' Tensions have been high since the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza. Dozens of people were injured in confrontations, with homes and cars set on fire.

Escalation of Violence in the West Bank

A missing Israeli boy's body was found in the West Bank after a terrorist attack, sparking violence between Israeli settlers and Palestinians. The escalation of violence in the territory coincided with Israel's war with Hamas in Gaza. The incident resulted in the death of a Palestinian man and injuries to several others. The situation has raised concerns about settler violence and humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

Israeli Settlers' Attack on Palestinian Village in West Bank

Israeli settlers stormed a Palestinian village in the West Bank, resulting in the death of a Palestinian man and injuries to 25 others. The violence escalated amid the war in Gaza. The settlers were searching for a missing 14-year-old boy, leading to clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians.

Support for Hamas in Gaza and the West Bank

Support for Hamas as a political party has fallen to 34% among Palestinians in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, while satisfaction with Hamas’ war performance remains high. The war has led to shifts in support for armed struggle and diplomatic solutions, with Gazans now favoring a two-state solution.

Sanctions on Israeli Settlers in the West Bank

The Biden administration imposed sanctions on three extremist Israeli settlers in the West Bank accused of harassing and attacking Palestinians to pressure them to leave their land, escalating tensions with Israel over the Gaza war.

The Conflict Between Israel and Palestinians in Silwad

Silwad, a village in the West Bank, is home to a community of Palestinian-Americans who invest in infrastructure and businesses in their ancestral town. The conflict between Israel and Palestinians continues to impact the region, with Palestinian-Americans facing challenges and advocating for policy change in the U.S.

Mental Health Challenges Among Palestinians in the West Bank

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians has led to increased mental health stressors among Bedouin children in the West Bank. Mental health providers are seeing a rise in anxiety, depression, and stress-related ailments in both adults and children. The war in Gaza, settler violence, and other factors are contributing to the mental health challenges faced by Palestinians in the region.

Conflict between Israel and Palestinians

The resignation of the Palestinian Authority's prime minister signals potential changes in the governance of post-war Gaza. The Authority, unpopular among Palestinians, is criticized for corruption and dysfunction. Palestinians demand reforms and the resignation of President Mahmoud Abbas. The alternative proposed is through elections.

Resignation of Palestinian Prime Minister

The Palestinian prime minister in the occupied West Bank has announced his resignation amidst pressure for leadership reform and potential control over Gaza after the war.

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Three Palestinians killed by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank

Sanctions on West Bank Israeli settlers

Sanctions imposed on West Bank Israeli settlers after an Israeli led a campaign of destruction following the Oct. 7 attacks.

US Policy on Israeli Settlements in West Bank

President Joe Biden reversed a Trump-era policy declaring Israeli communities in the West Bank legal, drawing criticism for undermining Israel and rewarding Hamas terrorists. The decision aims to appease Muslim- and Arab-American voters but has faced backlash for its timing and implications. Critics argue that the policy change is anti-Israel and supports BDS movement.