House Hearing on EcoHealth Alliance and COVID-19 Research

House hearing reveals Department of Health and Human Services suspends funds for EcoHealth Alliance due to violations in COVID-19 research at Wuhan lab, sparking controversy over taxpayer funding and gain-of-function research.

Investigation into COVID-19 Origins

Sen. Rand Paul claims to have found a 'smoking gun' in his investigation into the origins of COVID-19, linking the National Institutes of Health to research that could have led to the virus. The research involved a grant proposal from 2018 that sought to experiment with a COVID-19-type microbe.

America's Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

Bill Maher argues that America is better off than four years ago due to the country's overreaction to the COVID-19 pandemic, criticizing the panicky and inefficient response. He highlights the mishandling of the pandemic, lack of school closures, and the possibility of the virus originating from a lab in Wuhan.