Severe Drought in Zambia

Cindy McCain, executive director of the World Food Programme, discusses the severe drought in Zambia leading to hunger for 21 million people in the region. The WFP is providing emergency food aid and implementing long-term sustainable solutions like drought-resistant crops and water projects.

Tourist killed by bull elephant during African safari

A tourist from the United States was killed by a bull elephant during an African safari organized by Wilderness safari company in Zambia. The incident resulted in one fatality, one severe injury, and four minor injuries.

Elephant attack in Kafue National Park, Zambia

An elephant charged a truck full of tourists in Kafue National Park in Zambia during an African safari, killing an 80-year-old American woman. The incident is said to be exceedingly rare.

Fatal Elephant Attack in Zambia

An elderly American woman was killed by a charging elephant at Kafue National Park in Zambia when the elephant flipped over the car she was traveling in. The incident resulted in the death of the woman and injuries to other passengers.