NATO, Hungary-Ukraine Relations, European Politics

NATO Secretary General and Hungarian Prime Minister discuss bolstered spending, war in Ukraine, and countering aggression from Russia and China. Orbán visits Kyiv for talks with Zelenskyy amidst tensions and accusations. Orbán launches EU presidency with 'Make Europe Great Again' call and seeks to form a new nationalist alliance in the European Parliament.

Russia's Invasion of Ukraine and Hungarian Prime Minister's Visit to Kyiv

The roots of Russia's invasion of Ukraine go back decades and run deep. The current conflict is more than one country fighting to take over another; it is a shift in the world order. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán visited Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv to discuss building peace amidst the invasion. Orbán, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, has been criticized for hindering EU efforts to aid Ukraine and sanction Moscow.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy's Crackdown on Officials in War with Russia

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy is cracking down on officials suspected of shirking duties in the ongoing war with Russia. He visited troops in Donetsk, discussed various issues, and plans to address absent officials back in Kyiv. A new commander was introduced, replacing the previous one without a given reason. Russian forces recently bombed a city causing damage but no injuries.

Russian Warships Arrive in Cuban Waters Amid Tensions Over Ukraine Conflict

Russian warships arrived off Cuban waters ahead of planned military exercises, sending a message to the West amid tensions over the war in Ukraine. President Biden met with Ukraine President Zelenskyy in Paris.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy's Appeal for Support at Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy appeals for short-term help in repairing country's electricity network and long-term investment in energy system at Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin. Conference focuses on rebuilding and modernizing Ukraine with estimated investments of nearly $500 billion over the next 10 years.

Meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Paris

U.S. President Joe Biden publicly apologizes to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy for a months-long delay in military assistance, with a focus on continued support for Ukraine in its fight against Russia's invasion.

Meeting between President Biden and President Zelenskyy in Paris

President Joe Biden will meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Paris to discuss the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, with the U.S. supporting Ukraine with military aid and weapons. Tensions are high between Kyiv's allies and Moscow, with concerns over potential escalation of the conflict.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Praised for Saving Europe

Ukrainian president Zelenskyy is praised for his role in saving Europe by a veteran.

Ukrainian President Accuses China of Aiding Russia

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy accuses China of helping Russia block countries from participating in a peace conference in Switzerland. Zelenskyy claims Russia is using Chinese influence to disrupt the summit and that some Russian weapons contain Chinese components. China denies the accusations and states it handles military exports responsibly. Zelenskyy seeks Asian support to end the war in Ukraine.

International Relations and Military Aid in Ukraine

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy received $1 billion promise of military aid from Belgium, including 30 F-16 fighter jets. Putin warned against using Western-supplied weapons on Russian soil. NATO countries are discussing deploying troops to Ukraine and providing air defense systems. Zelenskyy signed security agreements with Portugal and Spain. Hungary's objections are stalling EU military aid to Ukraine. Zelenskyy is seeking more Patriot air defense systems to counter Russian forces in Kharkiv. IAEA chief discussed nuclear safety at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine.

Ukraine Peace Summit and Russia-China Relations

Ukraine's President Zelenskyy organizes a peace summit in Switzerland, urging President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping to attend, while Russia expresses no interest in the conference.

Ukraine-Russia Conflict Escalation

Ukraine is facing a new offensive from Russia in the northeast, with President Zelenskyy warning of multiple waves of attacks. Kyiv is waiting for U.S. military aid and struggling to replenish its forces. President Putin claims the goal is to create a buffer zone, not to seize territory.

Exclusive Interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kharkiv

ABC News spoke exclusively with Ukrainian President Zelenskyy in Kharkiv, where he canceled a trip to Spain due to the serious situation. Zelenskyy visited injured soldiers in a hospital, emphasizing the need for international aid to prevent Russian occupation.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit to Kharkiv

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Kharkiv to honor soldiers wounded in the defense of the city from Russian advances.

Exclusive Interview with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kharkiv

ABC News spoke exclusively with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kharkiv, where he canceled a trip to Spain due to the serious situation in Ukraine. Zelenskyy visited injured soldiers in a hospital and emphasized the urgency of the situation and the need for international support.

Russia's Offensive in Ukraine

Russia's new offensive gained momentum around Ukraine's second-largest city, Kharkiv, as Ukrainian forces withdrew from some areas. The delay in U.S. military aid has given the Kremlin an opportunity for a summer offensive, causing concerns for Kyiv. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy canceled foreign trips and called for more support, especially in air defense.

Russian Plot to Assassinate Ukrainian President Zelenskyy

Ukraine's security services expose a network of Russian agents plotting to kill President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and other top officials. The plot involved recruiting spies within the State Guard of Ukraine and planning sophisticated attacks.

U.S. Aid to Ukraine for Defense Against Russia

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy thanks U.S. for aid package, believes it will give Ukraine a chance at victory in defense against Russia. Urgent need for long-range weapons and air defense. House passes bill providing $60.8 billion of aid, Senate approval awaited. Zelenskyy expresses doubt in rumors of Trump pressuring Ukraine to give up territory. Calls for specific timeline in aid delivery to stabilize the situation and overtake the initiative.

Ukraine's Chance at Victory with New U.S. Aid

Ukraine is hopeful for victory with new U.S. aid, as stated by President Zelenskyy.

President Zelenskyy's Interview on Ukraine, Trump, and Russia

President Zelenskyy of Ukraine discusses outreach to Trump, stalled Ukraine aid, and Russia's influence in the U.S. He rejects the idea of making massive territorial concessions to end the war and emphasizes the need for strong arguments to protect people's lives. Zelenskyy expresses concern about Russian influence in the U.S. media and expects new American aid for Ukraine.

Ukrainian Military Strategy and Challenges in the Face of Russian Aggression

High-ranking Ukrainian officers express concerns about the grim military situation and the potential success of Russian generals in upcoming offensives. Elon Musk and Ukrainian President Zelenskyy both warn of possible territorial losses. Ukraine faces challenges in receiving timely and sufficient military aid from the West.

Ukrainian President dismisses top aide and advisers amid Russian attacks

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy dismissed top aide and advisers amid ongoing reshuffle, while Russia unleashed fresh attacks. Russian attacks caused destruction to Ukrainian energy infrastructure and led to civilian casualties.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy dismisses top aides amid Russian attacks

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy dismissed several top aides and advisers amid ongoing reshuffle while Russia unleashed fresh attacks on Ukraine. The attacks included drones, missiles, and airstrikes causing significant damage to the country's energy infrastructure.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy dismisses aides amidst ongoing reshuffle as Russia intensifies attacks

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy dismisses top aide and advisers amidst ongoing reshuffle, while Russia intensifies attacks with missile strikes and drone launches. Ukrainian energy infrastructure targeted with power plant destroyed and significant damage caused in multiple regions. Civilian casualties reported, including one death from recent mass barrage. Ukraine increases funding for homemade ammunition and weapons.

Russia escalates attacks on Ukraine

Russia escalates attacks on Ukraine, striking Kharkiv with aerial bombs for the first time since 2022, killing at least one civilian and wounding 16 others. Ukrainian troops face shortages and President Zelenskyy reshuffles security officials.

Terrorist Attack in Moscow Concert Hall

Russian President Putin accused Ukraine of involvement in a terrorist attack, but Ukraine strongly denied any connection. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed more than 130 people in a Moscow concert hall.

Russia's devastating attack on Ukraine's electric sector

Russia unleashed a devastating attack on Ukraine's electric sector, causing widespread damage and power outages. The attack comes as retaliation for strikes inside Russia, escalating the war. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy calls for Western aid. Russia targets Ukraine's energy infrastructure with missiles and drones. Damage to a hydroelectric plant affects power supply to a nuclear plant. The conflict intensifies as both sides exchange attacks.

Russian Polling Stations Incidents and Putin's Goals in Ukraine

Incidents at Russian polling stations show frustrated voters spoiling votes in protest against Vladimir Putin. Putin aims to establish a buffer zone in Ukraine to protect against strikes. Putin warns against Western troops in Ukraine, saying it could lead to World War III. Zelenskyy calls for Putin to face trial for war crimes.

Russian Missile Strike in Odesa during Zelenskyy's Meeting

A Russian missile exploded in the Ukrainian port city of Odesa near where President Zelenskyy was meeting with the Greek Prime Minister. Both leaders were unharmed, but at least five people were killed in the strike.

Explosion in Odesa during Visit by President Zelenskyy and Greece's Prime Minister

Large explosion in Odesa during visit by President Zelenskyy and Greece's Prime Minister, with unknown casualties. Odesa is gripped by war with Russia.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy's Criticism of Former President Trump's Understanding of Conflict in Eastern Europe

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy criticizes former President Trump's understanding of the conflict in Eastern Europe, particularly with Russian President Putin. Trump claims he could end the Ukraine war in 24 hours if re-elected but lacks specifics.

Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

The roots of Russia's invasion of Ukraine go back decades and run deep, leading to a shift in the world order. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy revealed that at least 31,000 Ukrainian troops have been killed since the invasion started. Ukraine is focusing on acquiring weapons and ammunition to defend itself. The conflict has caused delays in military aid, impacting Ukraine's ability to fight back effectively.

Ukraine's Defense Against Russian Aggression

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy urgently requests artillery and air defenses from allies to defend against Russia's aggression, emphasizing the need for support to save civilians and historical centers. U.S. aid has been stalled in Congress. Zelenskyy replaced his top military general in February for "urgent changes."

Ukraine-Russia Conflict

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy discusses the ongoing conflict with Russia and the importance of U.S. support in an exclusive interview with Fox News. The third year of the war remains uncertain as both sides face challenges like war fatigue and lack of aid.

False Claims About Ukrainian President Zelenskyy

Social media posts falsely claim preparations are being made to bring Ukrainian President Zelenskyy to the United States as an American citizen. The claim is based on a fake naturalization document and is spread by misinformation sources.

Ukrainian Troops Withdraw from Avdiivka Amidst Russian Attacks

Ukrainian troops have withdrawn from Avdiivka amidst Russian attacks as U.S. military aid is delayed. The withdrawal is seen as a win for Putin and could pave the way for a Russian advance near the war's second anniversary. Zelenskyy calls for Western support to defeat Putin.