Sentencing of Pro-Life Activists under the FACE Act

Several pro-life activists were sentenced to prison under the FACE Act for protesting at an abortion clinic in Washington, DC. The Department of Justice announced the sentences, ranging from 21 to 57 months in federal prison. House Republicans raised concerns about alleged mistreatment of the activists in jail. The activists were found guilty of conspiracy against rights and face act charges for organizing a blockade at the clinic.

Pro-Life Activists Sentenced to Prison

Seven pro-life activists sentenced to federal prison for protesting at an abortion clinic in Washington, DC. They were found guilty of conspiracy against rights and FACE Act charges.

Pro-life activists sentenced for blocking abortion clinic entrance

Pro-life activist Lauren Handy was sentenced to nearly 5 years in federal prison for blocking an abortion clinic entrance. Several other pro-life activists also received prison sentences for violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.