Jerry Seinfeld shutting down anti-Israel protesters during his Australian tour

Jerry Seinfeld shuts down anti-Israel protesters during his Australian tour by mocking them for attending his show and supporting him financially. The comedian has been vocal about his support for Israel and has faced interruptions during his performances.

Harassment of Journalist Olivia Reingold by Anti-Israel Protesters

Journalist Olivia Reingold was harassed by anti-Israel protesters in Manhattan while covering a protest. The incident involved physical aggression and verbal abuse, leading to a police report being filed against one individual for harassment.

Hillary Clinton's Remarks on Anti-Israel Protests and 2016 Election Loss

Hillary Clinton criticizes young anti-Israel protesters and blames women for her 2016 election loss, highlighting the challenges faced by women in politics.

Exposing Anti-Israel Protester Ignorance by Zach Sage Fox

Zach Sage Fox exposes anti-Israel protesters' lack of knowledge about the Israel-Hamas war in a viral video, offering $100 for correct answers to basic questions. He calls out universities for not educating students about the issue and aims to be a voice of education on the topic.

Harvard University reaches deal with anti-Israel protesters

Harvard University reached a deal with anti-Israel protesters to dismantle their encampment ahead of commencement ceremony. The protesters will have meetings with university officials regarding divestment and the establishment of a Center for Palestine Studies. The encampment was part of a larger strategy of divestment.

Hillary Clinton's remarks on anti-Israel student protesters

Hillary Clinton criticized anti-Israel student protesters for their ignorance on Middle Eastern affairs, highlighting a missed opportunity for a peace agreement between Palestinians and Israelis.

UC Berkeley debate cancellation due to Israel-Hamas war tensions

UC Berkeley cancels debate between California senate candidates due to heightened tensions on campus, specifically related to Israel-Hamas war

Ohio AG Warns Anti-Israel Protesters of Potential Prison Time

Ohio's GOP AG Dave Yost warns college campuses that anti-Israel protesters wearing masks could face potential prison time due to a historic state law. Yost emphasizes the importance of upholding laws to protect all citizens and maintain order.

Anti-Israel Protesters Confront Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

Anti-Israel protesters confronted Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer at a restaurant, questioning her stance on the Gaza conflict.

Brave students stopping anti-Israel protesters at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Brave students at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill stop anti-Israel protesters from replacing American flag with Palestinian flag, country music star John Rich praises their bravery and plans a free concert called Flagstock to honor them.

Students defend American flag against anti-Israel protesters at UNC-Chapel Hill

Brave students at University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill defend American flag against anti-Israel protesters replacing it with a Palestinian flag. Students receive support and donations for their actions.

Columbia University student protest against anti-Israel protesters

Columbia University students attempted to prevent anti-Israel protesters from taking over a building, but were unsuccessful as police did not arrive. The students faced aggression and vandalism during the confrontation.

Anti-Israel Protest at Synagogue in Teaneck, NJ

Angry anti-Israel protesters rioted outside a synagogue in Teaneck, NJ during an event hosted by an Israeli organization that recovers bodies of terrorism victims for proper burial. The incident reflects ongoing tensions between Palestinians and Israelis in the area.

Jerry Seinfeld confronted by anti-Israel protesters in NYC

Jerry Seinfeld was shouted at by anti-Israel protesters as he left an event in New York City. They accused him of supporting genocide and Nazi scum. The protesters were also targeting Bari Weiss for her connection to the death of a Palestinian professor. Two protesters were arrested. Anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian protests have been increasing in NYC and college campuses following mass murders by Hamas in Israel.