US-Israel Diplomatic Relations

Sen. Bill Hagerty accuses President Biden of withholding arms from Israel despite approved sales by Congress, leading to rising tensions between the two governments.

British Foreign Secretary's stance on arms sales to Israel amid potential ground assault on Rafah in the Gaza Strip

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron stated that stopping arms sales to Israel if it launches a ground assault on Rafah in the Gaza Strip would strengthen Hamas. He highlighted the difference in position between Britain and the U.S. on providing arms to Israel.

U.S. Politics

Sen. John Fetterman criticizes the Biden administration for delaying arms sales to Israel, stating that the only conditions should be on Hamas and their enablers. He praises Biden's support for Israel but disagrees with the decision to withhold munitions.

U.S.-China Relations and Taiwan Arms Sales

China announced sanctions on two major American defense companies over U.S. arms sales to Taiwan. The U.S. does not officially recognize the Taiwanese government but maintains informal ties to bolster its defense against China. China views U.S. arms sales to Taiwan as violating its sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Israel's Killing of Aid Workers in Gaza

European leaders criticize Israel for killing seven aid workers in Gaza, calling for a cease-fire and halting arms sales. The attack has sparked international outrage and pressure on Israel to protect civilians and aid workers.

UK Public Opinion on Israel-Hamas War

UK public opinion on the Israel-Hamas war has shifted as the conflict continues, with more sympathy towards Palestinians. Calls for the UK government to suspend arms sales to Israel are increasing.

Legal Advice on Israel's Actions in Gaza

Britain's main opposition parties demand Conservative government to publish legal advice on whether Israel has broken international humanitarian law during the war in Gaza, calling for a ban on weapons sales to Israel if the law has been broken.

U.S. Financial Support for Wars in Ukraine and Gaza

The episode explores the debate around U.S. financial support for wars in Ukraine and Gaza, discussing taxpayer contributions, foreign assistance, and arms sales. It delves into the complexities of calculating the average taxpayer's contribution to these conflicts.

Canadian Government Ends Arms Sales to Israel

The Canadian government under Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced the end of arms sales to Israel due to pressure from left-wing radicals. Israel's foreign minister reacted angrily, stating that it undermines Israel's right to self-defense. Canada has shown inconsistency in its stance towards Israel in the conflict with Hamas.

Possible U.S. Arms Sales Cut to Israel Over Compliance Concerns

The Biden Administration may consider cutting off arms sales to Israel if it does not comply with international law. Israel is expected to provide assurances of abiding by international obligations.

US-Israel Relations and Gaza Conflict

Democrats are concerned about the impact of a potential Israeli offensive on civilians in Gaza, with pressure on President Biden to take a tougher stance against Prime Minister Netanyahu. There are discussions about blocking U.S. arms sales to Israel if a large-scale invasion of Rafah occurs.