Geomagnetic Storm and Aurora

A geomagnetic storm caused an aurora visible as far south as Florida and disrupted satellites, including Elon Musk's Starlink service. The solar storm stems from sunspot region 3664 and has caused power grid irregularities and GPS disruptions.

Solar Storm and Aurora Phenomenon

A solar storm is creating dazzling auroras across the globe, with the potential to disrupt communications. Scientists are monitoring the situation closely.

Colossal Sunspot Threatening Earth with Solar Flares

A colossal sunspot on the sun's surface poses a threat of causing widespread disruption on Earth due to powerful X-class solar flares, leading to geomagnetic storms that can impact satellite operations, communications, power grid, and navigation systems. The U.S. Space Weather Prediction Center has issued a Severe Geomagnetic Storm Watch. Despite disruptions, geomagnetic storms can produce stunning auroras visible to millions of Americans.

Solar Storm Threatens Global Disruption

A severe solar storm this weekend threatens to trigger blackouts, disrupt navigation systems, and knock out high-frequency radios worldwide. It is the first time since January 2005 that the U.S. Space Weather Prediction Center has issued a G4 geomagnetic storm watch.

Potential Severe Solar Storm Warning by NOAA

NOAA has issued a Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Storm Watch due to an uncommonly powerful solar storm that may disrupt electronic devices and power grids, while also creating a spectacular aurora. The last such alert was in 2005. The storm could impact infrastructure, wipe out the internet, and trigger auroras as far south as Alabama and Northern California.

Rare Solar Storm Warning

A rare solar storm warning issued by NOAA could disrupt Earth's power supplies, knock out the internet, and cause auroras in the northern hemisphere.