Predictions for Michigan in the next election

Kid Rock predicts that former President Donald Trump will win Michigan in the next election, citing concerns about the impact of electric vehicles on the auto industry.

Impact of the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse on Baltimore Port and Auto Industry

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore has disrupted a major transit route and shut down a large section of the Baltimore port, impacting the auto industry and causing ripple effects. Experts predict short-term economic impacts, with challenges in rerouting shipments and potential delays for auto imports and exports.

Electric Vehicle Mandates and Political Debate

Trump-endorsed U.S. Senate candidate Mike Rogers warns of a 'bloodbath' in the auto industry if Joe Biden wins and continues his EV mandates, citing concerns about job loss, environmental impact, and national security.

Impact of Tariffs on America's Auto Industry

Former President Donald Trump used the term 'bloodbath' to describe the potential economic disaster facing America's auto industry without tariffs on China. The term refers to a major economic disaster, not political violence. Trump's remarks were criticized by media and Democrats, but contextually, 'bloodbath' refers to a market disaster.

Media Coverage of Trump's 'Bloodbath' Comments

Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow claims the media is lying about former President Trump's 'bloodbath' comments, stating that Trump was referring to job losses in the auto industry.

Former President Trump's 'Bloodbath' Warning About U.S. Auto Industry

Former President Donald Trump warned of a 'bloodbath' for the country if he wasn't re-elected, referencing potential economic disaster due to Biden's policies affecting the auto industry. Biden's campaign accused Trump of inciting political violence.

Biden campaign ad featuring Trump's remarks

The Biden campaign released an ad featuring out-of-context remarks by former President Trump about the 'bloodbath' in the American auto industry if Biden wins reelection. Trump's statement was actually about imposing tariffs on cars from Mexico. Biden campaign spokesperson criticized Trump's encouragement of political violence.