Abortion Rights Amendments in U.S. States

States in the U.S. are seeking to maneuver around Republican-led legislatures to protect abortion rights by putting amendments on the ballot for voters to decide. Key states like Colorado, Florida, Maryland, South Dakota, Arizona, Arkansas, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, and Nevada are all involved in these efforts.

Abortion Debate in Nebraska

Two opposing ballot measures in Nebraska are competing to either allow abortion until fetal viability or limit it to 12 weeks of pregnancy, sparking a heated debate among voters at a farmers' market in Omaha.

San Francisco Law-and-Order Ballot Measures

San Francisco voters passed law-and-order measures requiring welfare recipients suspected of using drugs to undergo screenings and expanding police surveillance powers. Mayor London Breed celebrates the changes as tools to address public safety and crime.

San Francisco Crime Crisis

San Francisco residents are set to vote on measures to combat the city's crime crisis, including drug screenings for welfare recipients and expanding police powers. The city has been plagued by crime and homelessness, leading to the closure of businesses and increased fear among residents and visitors.