Circus Bear Attack on Trainer

A circus bear mauls its trainer during a performance in Russia, shocking spectators. The bear was forced to do tricks for the 'Happiness Show' and attacked its trainer as revenge. The trainer survived without serious injury, but mistreatment of circus animals can lead to dangerous situations.

Woman Chases Bear Chasing Dog

A Minnesota woman chased after a bear that was chasing her dog, Zeus, in a dramatic encounter captured on home surveillance video.

Shooting of Young Bear by South Lake Tahoe Homeowner

A young bear was shot and killed by a South Lake Tahoe homeowner in what was deemed self-defense by California’s Department of Fish and Wildlife. Wildlife advocates dispute the homeowner's account and claim the bear was not a threat. Tensions around bears and human encounters in the area have been rising.

Bear Encounter in Colorado

A mother black bear swiped at a Colorado hiker, resulting in scrapes on their arms. The bear was trapped and euthanized while cubs were released. Bear encounters are common in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.

Women choosing to be stuck in a forest with a bear over a man

A TikTok trend has women choosing to be stuck in a forest with a bear over a man. The trend began on April 10 and sparked a debate on social media about the safety of encountering bears in the woods. Tips on how to stay safe in bear country are shared, including being aware of surroundings, making noise, and carrying bear spray.