Cultural Issues and the 2024 Election

A Pew Research Center report shows significant differences in views between Biden and Trump supporters on cultural issues such as marriage, family, declining birth rates, and abortion.

Tokyo Futari Story - Initiative to Create Couples in Japan

Tokyo Futari Story is an initiative by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to create couples in a country where being alone is increasingly common due to declining marriage rates and birth rates. The initiative includes an online site and a dating app in development.

Initiative to Create Couples in Tokyo

Tokyo City Hall is launching an initiative called “Tokyo Futari Story” to help create couples in a country where being alone is increasingly common. They plan to launch a dating app later this year to address the declining marriage rates in Japan.

Pope Francis criticizes weapons and contraceptive industries for their impact on life

Pope Francis criticizes the weapons and contraceptive industries for destroying or preventing life in a speech at a conference on the demographic crisis in Italy and Europe. He emphasizes the importance of increasing birth rates and implementing policies in favor of families.

Decline in Birth Rates and Marriages in Germany

Germany is experiencing a decline in birth rates and marriages, but the population is still growing due to immigration and children of immigrants. Birth rates are at their lowest since 2013, while the number of marriages contracted has also decreased. Immigrant women play a significant role in the increase of births of third and subsequent children. Total fertility rate is at its lowest in history, and childlessness is increasing in the general population. German population continues to grow due to record net immigration.

Criticism of Politico article on far right's focus on increasing birth rates

Politico article criticizes far right for focusing on increasing birth rates and reversing social changes, sparking backlash from conservatives and leading to a debate on natalism and abortion.

Declining Birth Rates in China and Proposed Solutions

A member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee suggested lifting all restrictions on how many children families can have and extending equal recognition and benefits to single-parent children due to declining birth rates. Foreign analysts believe China is facing demographic decline and may not recover. The Chinese government has been accused of manipulating population statistics to project economic growth. The decline in birth rates is attributed to cultural bias against single parenthood and career concerns among women.