Florida priest arrested for biting woman during Communion argument

A Florida priest was arrested for allegedly biting a woman during an argument over Communion. The woman claimed he wouldn't give her the wafer due to her sexuality or attire, while the priest said she hadn't followed the necessary steps. The priest bit her when she tried to grab a wafer.

Man Bites Chunk from Cop's Head at Music Festival

A man under the influence of drugs attacked a cop at a music festival, biting a large chunk from the officer's head, exposing the skull bone. The attacker was charged with aggravated battery and resisting an officer with violence.

UFC Fight Night Incident

During a UFC Fight Night event in Las Vegas, fighter Igor Severino bit his opponent Andre Lima, resulting in the fight being stopped and Lima declared the winner after an investigation. Severino will be released from UFC following the incident.

UFC Disqualification for Biting Incident

Igor Severino was disqualified and released by UFC for biting his opponent Andre Lima during their fight in UFC Fight Night in Las Vegas. Severino's career in the UFC is over as a result.