Fox News coverage of Trump's 'border bloodbath' accusations against Biden

Former President Trump accuses President Biden of creating a 'border bloodbath.' Fox News host Jesse Watters discusses Trump's claims and criticizes the media's response.

Public Perception of Media and Political Coverage

A majority of Americans believe the media are the 'enemy of the people,' with high percentages among black voters and young people. Many also think the media's political coverage is dictated by the Biden campaign. Trump's 'bloodbath' comment was misunderstood by many as inciting violence.

Former CIA Officer Pushes Narrative of Trump Calling for 'Bloodbath'

Former CIA officer Marc Polymeropoulos, who previously worked on discrediting the Hunter Biden laptop story, is now pushing the narrative that former President Donald Trump called for a 'bloodbath' in terms of political violence. Polymeropoulos is warning about the potential dangers of Trump's rhetoric and is urging Republicans to speak out against it.

Ana Navarro's analysis of Donald Trump's 'bloodbath' comment

Ana Navarro discusses former President Donald Trump's 'bloodbath' comment in the context of the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021, highlighting his history of divisive rhetoric and actions.

Media Coverage of Trump's 'Bloodbath' Comments

Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow claims the media is lying about former President Trump's 'bloodbath' comments, stating that Trump was referring to job losses in the auto industry.

Donald Trump's 'bloodbath' Comment and Tariff Threat

Former Rep. David Jolly accuses former President Donald Trump of implying riots in the streets with his 'bloodbath' comment in 2024. Trump threatened a 100% tariff on cars from Mexico if re-elected.

Former President Trump's 'Bloodbath' Warning About U.S. Auto Industry

Former President Donald Trump warned of a 'bloodbath' for the country if he wasn't re-elected, referencing potential economic disaster due to Biden's policies affecting the auto industry. Biden's campaign accused Trump of inciting political violence.

Former President Trump's Ohio Rally and Media Coverage

Former President Trump held a rally in Ohio addressing the southern border crisis and the impact on smaller communities. Media outlets were criticized for taking his 'bloodbath' comments out of context, as Trump was referring to tariffs on Chinese-made cars, not violence.