Russia's Proposal to Revise Borders of Territorial Waters in the Baltic Sea

Leaders around the Baltic Sea react warily to reports of Russia potentially revising borders of territorial waters in the region, with concerns raised by Lithuania, Sweden, Finland, and Germany. Russia denies intention to revise borders, citing a need for security measures in the Baltic region.

US Guyana Flyover Angers Venezuela in Border Dispute

American fighter jets flew over Guyana in a military exercise, angering Venezuela due to a border dispute over an oil-rich region.

Border Dispute Between China and India Over Arunachal Pradesh

The United States recognized disputed Arunachal Pradesh as part of Indian territory, leading to China strongly opposing this interference in its border dispute with India. The escalating dispute involves differing claims over the territory, with China asserting it as part of southern Tibet and India maintaining it as part of its own territory.