Wedding Gift Etiquette

The article discusses the debate on whether guests need to send a gift to the newlyweds if they are not attending the wedding. Etiquette experts suggest that sending a gift, even if not attending, is a kind gesture.

Wedding Superstitions and Traditions

A photographer shares how capturing small moments at weddings can lead to unique shots. The article discusses various wedding superstitions and traditions, such as the belief that rain on a wedding day brings good luck and the significance of 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.' It also touches on the bouquet toss tradition and the superstition that crying on your wedding day is a sign of good luck.

Fatal DUI Crash Involving Bride on Her Wedding Night

A South Carolina bride was killed by a drunk driver on her wedding night. The driver, Jamie Komoroski, has been released from jail less than a year later after posting bail. Komoroski was driving twice the speed limit with a blood-alcohol content over three times the legal limit when she rear-ended the couple's golf cart, killing the bride and seriously injuring the groom.