U.S. National Debt Projection

The United States is projected to add trillions to its national debt over the next decade due to rising spending and interest expenses outpacing tax revenues. This will lead to large budget deficits and a growing debt-to-GDP ratio.

California State Legislature Rejects Single-Payer Health Care Proposal

The California state legislature rejected a proposal for a single-payer health care system due to high costs amid budget deficits, despite Democratic supermajority. The idea has been a focus for left-wing Democrats like Bernie Sanders but faces challenges in implementation.

Struggles of Optometrists Treating Medicaid Patients in California

Authorities warn of a new burglary trend in the United States as optometrists in California struggle to treat Medicaid patients due to low pay rates. Governor Gavin Newsom and the state Legislature are proposing tax increases to fund higher payments to health care providers, including optometrists.