Tax Cuts and Budget Proposals Under Trump and Biden

Former President Donald Trump misleadingly warns of tax hikes under President Joe Biden, but in reality, Biden's budget proposal supports extending tax cuts for those making less than $400,000. Biden's plan focuses on increasing taxes for high-income earners and corporations while expanding tax credits for lower-income households.

Critique of President Biden's Budget Proposal by Economist Steve Moore

Economist Steve Moore criticizes President Biden's budget proposal as an 'assault on American business' and believes it will lead to a decline in the economy. He compares Biden's approach to big government to a dystopian society. Moore advocates for lower tax rates to stimulate the economy.

New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul's $2.4 Billion Budget Proposal for Migrants and Residential Development

New York Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul has proposed $2.4 billion in spending for migrants in her latest budget proposal, along with plans to spur residential development in a state with high rent and home prices.

Conservative House Members Targeting Critical Race Theory in Federal Government Budget Proposal

The largest bloc of conservatives in the House is targeting critical race theory (CRT) throughout the federal government in their new budget proposal, aiming to eradicate its principles from federal institutions.

President Biden's $7.3 Trillion Budget Proposal

President Biden's $7.3 trillion budget proposal includes funding for 'woke' programs and green energy initiatives, but faces opposition from House Republicans.