Discovery of World’s Oldest Bottle of Wine in Ancient Roman Burial Site

The world’s oldest bottle of wine was discovered in an ancient Roman burial site in southern Spain, untouched for around 2,000 years. The liquid in the glass funeral urn was confirmed to be wine by researchers. The discovery breaks the previous record of the Speyer wine bottle from the fourth century AD.

Burial of Alexei Navalny

Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was buried in Moscow with thousands of mourners and a large police presence. The event remained peaceful.

Alexei Navalny's Funeral

Alexei Navalny's coffin was taken from the church to the cemetery for burial after a short funeral service.

Death and Burial of Alexey Navalny

Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, who died in prison earlier this month, will be buried in Moscow amid accusations of interference with his funeral. His widow, Yulia Navalnaya, has accused Putin of murder and vowed to continue his husband's fight against the Kremlin.