Donald Trump's business records trial

Former President Donald Trump found guilty on all 34 counts in business records trial, leading to backlash from normal Americans and increased donations to Trump's cause.

Former President Donald Trump's business records trial in New York

Former President Donald Trump denies any "slush fund" or "hush money" in relation to his business records trial in New York, emphasizing that the payments were made under non-disclosure agreements and were legal.

European Reaction to Donald Trump's Business Records Trial

European newspapers react to Donald Trump's business records trial finding him guilty on all 34 counts, with mixed opinions on its impact on the election. Nigel Farage predicts Trump will win big and become the 47th President. Various European newspapers offer different perspectives on the trial and its implications for American democracy.

Mitch McConnell's Criticism of Guilty Verdict in Business Records Trial

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell criticized the guilty verdict in a business records trial, predicting it will be overturned on appeal. Critics bashed his short post, while others expressed disappointment in GOP leaders choosing Trump over the rule of law. Some see McConnell's post as a serious sign from the Republican leader.

Donald Trump's Business Records Trial

Former U.S. President Donald Trump found guilty in his business records trial, sparking outrage among Republican officials who claim it is a political persecution and miscarriage of justice. Trump is the first former president to face a criminal conviction. GOP members warn of authoritarian tactics and believe the trial was biased and unfair.

Criticism of guilty verdict in Donald Trump's business records trial

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan criticizes guilty verdict in Donald Trump's business records trial, calling it a travesty of justice and claiming it is a result of a biased process. Trump allies label the trial as 'rigged' and 'lawfare.' Jordan continues investigations into President Biden's family business dealings.

Donald Trump's business records trial and sentencing date

Former President Donald Trump found guilty on all 34 counts in business records trial, with sentencing set 4 days before GOP Convention, sparking claims of election interference. Trump Jr. and other Republicans allege the trial is a sham and a form of election interference by the radical left.

Donald Trump's business records trial verdict

Former President Donald Trump found guilty on all 34 counts in business records trial in Manhattan.

Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. troll leftists from courthouse

Donald Trump and his son are trolling leftists from the courthouse in New York as they await the verdict in the former president’s business records trial. They are working on 'mean tweets' and are being kept in the courtroom to prevent Trump from campaigning.

Former President Donald Trump's business records trial

Former President Donald Trump's business records trial is ongoing, with the jury requesting testimony from David Pecker and Michael Cohen. The jury was dismissed for the day and will resume tomorrow. The judge instructed the jury that their verdict on each count must be unanimous.

Political Bias in Trump's Business Records Trial

President Joe Biden plans to address the nation after the verdict in former President Donald Trump's business records trial, prompting criticism from Trump's team that the trial is politically biased and 'rigged.'

President Joe Biden's Planned Statement on Verdict in Donald Trump's Business Records Trial

President Joe Biden is planning to make a public statement when a verdict is reached in the business records trial of former President Donald Trump, potentially as early as this week. Biden's team is preparing for different outcomes and potential political implications of the verdict.

Trump Business Records Trial

Alina Habba, a lawyer representing former President Donald Trump, believes the jurors in his business records trial should have been sequestered over Memorial Day weekend to prevent influence from media, friends, and family. She expressed concerns about the jurors' exposure to biased news sources and their ability to remain impartial. The trial involves 34 counts of falsifying business records in relation to payments made to Stormy Daniels during the 2016 election.

Trump's Business Records Trial and Campaigning

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) states that Trump's business records trial is keeping him from campaigning, which Trump and his supporters believe is a tactic to interfere with the 2024 presidential election.

Support for Donald Trump in Business Records Trial

Lawmakers are supporting former President Donald Trump as he faces his business records trial, calling out what they see as abuse of the Constitution. They believe the trial is a travesty of justice and misuse of the justice system.

Donald Trump's Response to Gag Order in Business Records Trial

Former President Donald Trump speaks out against a gag order in his business records trial, expressing willingness to go to jail for the Constitution. He criticizes the judge's actions and shows support from various legal minds and columnists. The judge found Trump in contempt for a tenth time and threatened jail time if the order is violated again.

Former President Donald Trump's Contempt of Court and Gag Order Violation in Manhattan Business Records Trial

Former President Donald Trump faces potential jail time for violating a gag order by commenting on the business records trial in Manhattan. Despite being found in contempt of court, Trump continues to criticize the gag order and the trial, claiming it is unfair and unconstitutional. Stormy Daniels' testimony in court was reportedly lurid but did not seem to sway the jurors. Trump's defense team called for a mistrial due to the nature of her testimony.

Business Records Trial of Former President Donald Trump

A Suffolk University/USA Today poll shows that most voters predict former President Donald Trump will be convicted on some charges in the business records trial. The trial is perceived as unfair by a plurality of voters. New York County Judge Juan Merchan found Trump in criminal contempt of court for violating a gag order.

Donald Trump's Business Records Trial Postponed

Donald Trump's business records trial in Manhattan postponed, allowing him to campaign in Wisconsin and Michigan. Judge ruled he violated a gag order and faces jail time for further infractions. Trump claims his free speech rights were violated. Majority of Americans doubt trial's fairness and see it as irrelevant to his fitness for reelection.