Cease and Desist Letter Sent to Filmmakers of The Apprentice

Lawyers for former President Donald Trump have sent a cease and desist letter to the filmmakers of The Apprentice to block the movie's release, claiming it contains lies and defames President Trump. The filmmakers maintain that the movie is a fair and balanced portrait of Trump.

Cease and Desist Letter Sent to Filmmakers of 'The Apprentice' by Trump's Attorneys

Attorneys for Donald Trump have sent a cease and desist letter to block the U.S. sale and release of a film called 'The Apprentice' which portrays the former president in a negative light. The filmmakers claim the movie presents a fair and balanced portrait of Trump's early years as a real estate developer and his relationship with Roy Cohn.

Taylor Swift's Private Jet Tracker

Computer student Jack Sweeney continues to post Taylor Swift's private jet flight data despite receiving a cease and desist letter from her legal team. Taylor's team successfully shut down his Instagram account dedicated to tracking her jets. Jack believes he will not hear from Taylor's lawyers and views the attention as a form of awareness. Taylor's private jet has been used less frequently since the controversy. Jack is now working on a video of Elon Musk's flights.

College student receives cease and desist letter from Taylor Swift's lawyer for tracking her private jet

College student Jack Sweeney received a cease and desist letter from Taylor Swift's lawyer for tracking her private jet. Sweeney's legal team responded, stating that he did not violate any laws by tracking publicly accessible information. Swift's lawyer accused Sweeney of stalking and harassment, but Sweeney's lawyer argued that there was no credible threat to Swift's safety. Sweeney emphasized that he was compiling public information and had no harmful intentions.