Arming Managers at Russia's Central Bank

Top managers at Russia's Central Bank may soon be allowed to carry weapons like submachine guns, according to a draft government proposal by Putin's National Guard. The Central Bank is considering arming chiefs for security reasons.

Taliban's Appointment of Sanctioned Official as Central Bank Governor

The Taliban has appointed a U.S. counter-terrorism sanctioned individual as the acting governor of Afghanistan's central bank, a move likely to impact the frozen $7 billion reserves in the U.S. The U.S. has set conditions for releasing the funds, including replacing senior Taliban members with experienced professionals.

Poland's Central Bank Chief Facing Allegations

Lawmakers in Poland's ruling pro-European Union coalition are attempting to bring the central bank chief before a special court on allegations of acting against the country's financial interests, which could result in him being banned from political life.

Argentine President Javier Milei's proposed bill to punish Central Bank officials for financing fiscal deficits

Argentine President Javier Milei plans to present a bill to Congress to punish Central Bank officials who issue money to finance fiscal deficits with jail time. The bill aims to define seigniorage as a criminal offense.