Call for President Biden to Step Down

Longtime Democratic strategist James Carville calls for President Biden to step down and allow another Democrat to take his place in the 2024 election due to his perceived poor performance and the desire for change among voters.

Democratic Party and President Biden

Democratic strategist James Carville expresses frustration with President Biden's struggles and suggests the Democratic Party needs to offer something different to voters.

Senate Republican leadership race

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) announces bid to lead Senate Republicans, challenging Sen. John Thune (R-SD) and Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) to replace Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY). Scott emphasizes the need for change and transparency in Senate leadership.

Massive Baptism Movement in the United States

A massive baptism movement swept areas of the United States as thousands gathered for worship and baptisms led by revivalist Jenny Weaver and Core Group members. Similar events took place in Florida, California, Texas, and the midwest. The movement aims to bring hope and change through baptisms in different states throughout the summer.

Texas Army Veteran Changes Name to Run for President

Texas Army veteran and seventh-grade math teacher changes name to 'Literally Anybody Else' to run for president, emphasizing the need for good leadership and a bold vision for change in the political landscape.

Gun Control

Chicago is suing Glock for making guns that are easy to convert to illegal automatic weapons, part of a trend of Democratic jurisdictions pressuring gunmakers to change products and marketing.

Aleksei Navalny's Legacy

Thousands of Russians continue to pay their respects at Aleksei Navalny's grave one week after his funeral and burial, showing solidarity in wanting change in Russia.

California Senate Race and Homeless Crisis

Steve Hilton discusses the California Senate race and the growing homeless crisis on Fox News, highlighting the surprising surge of former MLB star Steve Garvey against Adam Schiff. Voters are seeking change due to various issues in California.

Sexual Harassment and Assault at Legal Tech Events

During the Legalweek conference in New York City, a woman was threatened with a knife by a man who was later arrested. This incident prompted many women to share their stories of harassment and assault on social media, leading to a call for change in the legal tech industry.