Vertical Gardening and Growing Cherry Trees

Lisa Miccolis from Bountiful Gardens explains the benefits of vertical gardening and how to pick the best soil. Growing your own fruits and vegetables can bring a sense of pride. Cherry trees need at least 6 hours of sunlight daily to flourish and take a few years to bear fruit. Cherry trees produce fruit in late spring and early summer, and you can choose between potted or bare-root trees.

Japan's Gift of Cherry Trees to the U.S.

Japan is giving the U.S. 250 new cherry trees to replace ones being removed for repairs around Washington's Tidal Basin. The gift symbolizes the friendship between the two countries and marks the 250th anniversary of the U.S. in 2026.

Removal of Cherry Trees in Washington, D.C. for Sea Wall Repair

About 150 cherry trees near the National Mall in Washington, D.C. will be removed to repair a failing sea wall, with plans to replant more trees in the future.