Child Labor and Abuse Case in West Virginia

Wealthy couple in West Virginia accused of forcing adopted black children to work as slaves and live in a locked barn. Couple plead not guilty to charges including human trafficking and child neglect. Children found in poor conditions with health issues. Couple's bond set at $500,000 each.

Legislation to Prevent Child Labor in Cobalt Mining for Green Energy

New legislation introduced by Rep. Chris Smith aims to prevent minerals key to green energy in the U.S. from being extracted with child labor in the Democratic Republic of Congo, particularly focusing on cobalt used in electric vehicle batteries sourced from the DRC. The bill seeks to block cobalt extracted with child or forced labor from entering the U.S. market, as Chinese companies dominate the cobalt supply chain and profit from unethical labor practices.

Child Actress Christy Carlson Romano's Stance on Child Star Documentaries

Child actress Christy Carlson Romano refuses to participate in a documentary about child stars, citing the triggering nature of the content and the lack of hope in the narrative. She advocates for better treatment of child actors and stresses the importance of addressing child labor issues in the industry.

Child Labor in New York City Subways

Children as young as seven are engaging in illegal child labor in New York City subways, mostly by migrant families from Ecuador. Authorities have turned a blind eye, claiming it's not their problem. Turf wars are forming among child laborers over train 'territory.' The National Guard has been deployed to the subway to search passengers' bags for weapons.