Must-Read Books for College Students

Five must-read books for college students available on Amazon that cover personal development, academic success, and life challenges.

Federal Financial Aid Process for College Students

Many college-bound students are facing problems with the federal financial aid process just a few months before the academic year starts. Changes to the FAFSA were supposed to make the process easier, but technical issues have persisted, leaving some students unsure of their aid status.

Impact of COVID-19 on College Students

High school seniors in 2020 faced disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting their transition to college. College students from the class of 2024 reflect on their experiences during the pandemic, including isolation, online learning challenges, and witnessing historical events like Black Lives Matter protests. Despite the hardships, they express resilience and unity in facing the uncertainties of the future.

Far-right activist group funded by top Republican donors and nonprofits

A far-right activist group, Accuracy in Media, is funded by top Republican donors and nonprofits. They have been revealed to be doxxing college students engaging in pro-Palestinian protests. The group mistakenly listed major donors, including billionaire Republican megadonor Jeff Yass, in their tax return.

College Protests Against Israel's War in Gaza

A new survey shows that only a small minority of college students are participating in protests against Israel's war in Gaza, with most students supporting holding protesters accountable for property damage. The survey also found that students were more likely to blame Hamas for the situation in Gaza than President Biden.

College Student Protests

Discussion on the implications of college students participating in protests with education professor Robert Kelchen.

Campus Activism in the Late 1960s

College students reflect on campus activism of the late 1960s amidst rising protests on campuses across America.

Marriage Pact Tool for College Students

A college student created a Marriage Pact tool to help young adults find a backup plan for marriage if they are still single by 30 or 40. The tool matches college students based on core values without using typical dating criteria.

Tax Filing for College Students and Parents

Tips for college students and parents on filing taxes, including double-checking dependent status and education tax credits to avoid mistakes or missed opportunities.

College Students Experiencing Homelessness in America

More than 1.5 million college students in America are homeless, but some organizations are providing support, like LuMin, which offers subsidized housing to students in need.

Homelessness Among College Students in America

Over one million college students in America are homeless. A college student in Colorado facing homelessness found support.

Impact of Daily Affirmations on Mental Health

Daily affirmations have been linked to improved mental health, according to a study from the University of California Berkeley. Practicing self-compassion by saying affirming things to oneself for 20 seconds per day for a month resulted in greater self-compassion, emotional well-being, and reduced stress in college students.