Rachel Maddow Conspiracy Theory

Rachel Maddow is spreading a conspiracy theory that a reelected President Donald Trump might ship her off to one of his 'massive camps.'

Alex Jones' Liquidation to Pay Sandy Hook Victims

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is seeking to liquidate his assets to pay $1.5 billion owed to Sandy Hook massacre victims. Jones' bankruptcy is being converted to Chapter 7, ending his efforts to save InfoWars. Sandy Hook families requested the liquidation of his assets, including InfoWars and Free Speech Systems.

Allegations of Assassination Plot Against Trump

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed Biden administration planned to assassinate former President Donald Trump in response to Trump's baseless accusations against DOJ and FBI.

Oil Prices and Political Influence

An MSNBC panel suggested that Russia and Saudi Arabia might be purposely driving up oil and gas prices to help Donald Trump politically. Gas prices have increased by approximately 6% in April, with concerns that the rise may continue beyond June.

Weather Anomaly Conspiracy Theory

A weather modeling software error caused speculation about a massive anomaly the size of Texas moving up the African coastline, generating waves bigger than 80 feet high. The company behind the app debunked the conspiracy theories, attributing the anomaly to a model error.

Elon Musk's Deposition in Defamation Lawsuit

Elon Musk sat for a deposition in a defamation lawsuit filed by a Jewish man he accused of being involved in a neo-Nazi brawl. Musk lost the legal battle to keep the deposition private, and the entire transcript was released. The lawsuit arose from tweets Musk wrote amplifying an online conspiracy theory accusing Ben Brody of being involved in the brawl, which led to threats and harassment towards Brody and his family.

Tennessee's Ban on Geoengineering and 'Chemtrails' Conspiracy Theory

Tennessee lawmakers passed a bill to ban geoengineering, with references to 'chemtrails' conspiracy theory. The bill aims to prevent intentional modification of the atmosphere to counteract global warming.

Tennessee State Bill on Geoengineering and 'Chemtrails' Conspiracy Theory

The Tennessee state House of Representatives passed a bill to prevent geoengineering, but discussions included references to the 'chemtrails' conspiracy theory. The bill would ban intentional modification of the atmosphere to affect weather or sunlight intensity, though federal involvement remains disputed.

Conspiracy Theory about Brigitte Macron

President Macron addresses false conspiracy theory about his wife being born a man, denouncing it as libel. The claims gained prominence after being addressed by the First Family and a court ruling. Macron challenges the conspiracy in the public sphere and two YouTubers were convicted of libel for spreading the false claims.

Documentary on Alex Jones and the Sandy Hook Conspiracy

HBO is releasing a documentary chronicling the rise and fall of controversial media figure, Alex Jones, focusing on his promotion of conspiracy theories like the Sandy Hook hoax. The film highlights the legal battles faced by families affected by the tragedy and the significant damages awarded to them.

Media Defense of President Joe Biden's Memory

Established media defends President Joe Biden's memory, claiming his health is 'acute' and any speculation otherwise is 'ageist' and a 'right-wing media' conspiracy theory. Media's defense is to support Biden who is trailing in 2024 polls. NewsBusters highlights how media gaslights public about Biden's mental acuity.