Proposed Constitutional Amendment in Brazil Regarding Beach Ownership

Proposed constitutional amendment in Brazil could transfer ownership of coastal land to states, municipalities, and private occupants, potentially limiting public access to beaches, sparking outrage among environmentalists and citizens.

Potential Vice President Choices for Donald Trump

The article discusses potential vice president choices for Donald Trump if he becomes the Republican nominee for president. It mentions Senator J.D. Vance as a suitable candidate due to his complementary strengths and weaknesses with Trump. The article also delves into the constitutional limitations on vice presidential candidates being from the same state as the president.

Montana Left-wing Activists Launch Signature Drive for Abortion Amendment

Left-wing activists in Montana are collecting signatures for a constitutional amendment, CI-128, to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution, allowing for abortions throughout pregnancy based on a doctor's judgment to protect a woman's life or health.

Arizona Activists Push for Abortion Rights Amendment

Arizona activists are pushing for a constitutional amendment to create a 'fundamental right' to abortion on the state's ballot in November, with more than enough signatures collected. This comes after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, returning the issue to the states. Pro-life groups are concerned about the vague mental health exemption in the proposed amendment.

Florida Supreme Court Upholds 15-Week Abortion Ban and Allows Vote on Constitutional Amendment

The Florida Supreme Court upheld a 15-week ban on abortion and allowed voters to decide on a proposed constitutional amendment regarding abortion rights. The court rejected the argument that the proposed amendment should be kept off the ballot.

France Guarantees Right to Abortion in Constitution on International Women’s Day

France inscribed the guaranteed right to abortion in its constitution on International Women’s Day, becoming the first country to do so. The move was seen as a victory for women’s rights globally, but critics questioned its necessity in a country where women face other challenges like domestic violence and unequal pay.

Abortion Access and Fetal Personhood Debates in Florida

Abortion access advocates in Florida are pushing for a constitutional amendment to protect abortion up to viability, sparking discussions on fetal personhood and potential impacts on abortion rights. The Alabama Supreme Court's ruling on embryos as 'extrauterine children' has raised nationwide questions on in-vitro fertilization and fetal rights. Anti-abortion movements aim to establish fetal personhood through state laws, potentially leading to a national abortion access restriction. Florida lawmakers have considered bills related to fetal personhood, sparking debates on reproductive health care access.

France Constitutional Amendment on Abortion Rights

France amends its constitution to enshrine a woman's right to abortion following the U.S. reversal of Roe v. Wade in 2022. The move is celebrated by women's rights activists and widely supported by the French public.

Missouri Abortion Rights Campaign for Constitutional Amendment

Missouri abortion rights supporters launch signature collecting event for a constitutional amendment legalizing abortion up until fetal viability, facing obstacles and opposition from GOP lawmakers. Campaign raises $4 million, aiming to protect women's healthcare rights. Battle over ballot initiative, potential barriers from Republicans in the General Assembly.

Struggle for Press Freedom in the Muscogee Nation

The documentary 'Bad Press' follows the struggle of Mvskoke Media to secure press freedom in the Muscogee Nation after a law guaranteeing free press was repealed. Despite challenges and skepticism, the journalists fight for a constitutional amendment, ultimately succeeding in passing it.