Ancient Egyptian Pyramids and the Nile River

New research suggests that an extinct branch of the Nile River once weaved through the landscape near the pyramids in Giza, providing evidence that the ancient Egyptians used waterways for transportation to build the monuments. The study offers insights into how the pyramids were constructed over a 1,000-year period, shedding light on the mysteries surrounding their creation.

Ancient Nile River branch near Egypt's Great Pyramid

A new study has mapped a dried-up branch of the Nile River near Egypt's Great Pyramid, providing insight into the ancient waterway's role in transporting materials for pyramid construction.

Changes to U.S. Power Line Regulations

The regulators have approved significant changes to the planning, construction, and funding of U.S. power lines. Will these changes be enough to address the issues faced by America's overwhelmed power grid?

Construction of Forward Operating Base Eagle for National Guard soldiers in Texas

Construction is underway on 'Forward Operating Base Eagle,' a military base camp in Texas housing 1,800 National Guard soldiers in response to the border crisis. The project aims to improve soldiers' accommodations and increase operational efficiency.

Undecided Voters' Views on President Biden's Economy

Undecided voters from Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania on MSNBC panel express opposition to President Joe Biden due to perceived economic failures, favoring former President Donald Trump's policies instead.

Pompeii archaeological discovery

Archaeologists in Pompeii have uncovered an ancient building site that reveals Roman construction methods, including the original technique for making cement and the use of concrete. This finding sheds light on how iconic structures like the Colosseum and the Pantheon were built.

U.S. Army Ships Building Pier in Gaza

Four U.S. Army supply ships are heading to Gaza to build a pier linking the territory to the rest of the world as part of President Joe Biden's promise. Despite existing aid distribution challenges and more efficient alternatives, the U.S. military is proceeding with the construction.

Idaho Building Collapse at Boise Airport

A steel airport hangar under construction in Idaho collapsed, killing three people and injuring nine others. Workers had expressed concerns about structural issues before the collapse.

University of Wisconsin Construction and Renovation Projects

Democratic Gov. Tony Evers signed a bill authorizing spending on University of Wisconsin construction and renovation projects, part of a deal with Republican lawmakers. The bill transfers funds for various projects across the UW system.

Alberto Paduanelli's 737 Flight Simulator

Alberto Paduanelli fulfills his lifelong dream of building a 737 flight simulator in his garage after three years of hard work, with the help of his two sons.