Solar Storm Hits Earth

The most powerful solar storm in over two decades hit Earth, causing celestial light shows and threatening disruptions to satellites and power grids. Multiple coronal mass ejections were observed, with social media capturing stunning auroras in northern Europe and Australasia. Authorities issued warnings to satellite operators, airlines, and power grids to take precautionary measures. The solar storm was described as the biggest in a long time by Elon Musk.

Northern Lights in the United States

Rare opportunity to see the northern lights in the United States this weekend due to coronal mass ejections from the sun, creating a celestial light show visible as far south as Virginia and California.

Solar Storm Alert for Earth

A powerful solar storm is expected to hit Earth on Friday, causing potential infrastructure problems. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issued a Severe (G4) Geomagnetic Solar Storm Watch due to multiple earth-directed coronal mass ejections.