Diplomatic Crisis between Mexico and Ecuador

Mexico breaks off diplomatic ties with Ecuador after police break into Mexican embassy in Quito to arrest former Ecuadorian vice president seeking political asylum due to corruption charges. Tensions escalate between the two countries with accusations of violations of international law.

Corruption Charges Against South African Parliament Speaker

South African Parliament speaker faces charges of corruption for allegedly taking bribes totaling $135,000 and a wig over a three-year period while she was defense minister. The prosecutors have offered her the opportunity to turn herself in and be formally charged.

Sen. Bob Menendez's Response to Federal Corruption Charges

Sen. Bob Menendez, facing federal corruption charges, refuses to resign from the U.S. Senate and considers running as an independent in the general election.

Federal Judge Denies Rod Blagojevich's Ballot Eligibility Appeal

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's attempt to regain ballot eligibility was shut down by a federal judge who quoted Dr. Seuss, highlighting Blagojevich's fall from grace. Blagojevich sued the state in 2020 after being impeached and convicted on corruption charges related to attempts to sell Obama's Senate seat. The judge dismissed the case, emphasizing the judiciary's lack of power to reverse impeachment. Blagojevich served 8 years of a 14-year sentence before it was commuted by Trump.