Failed Coup Attempt in Bolivia

Bolivia experienced a failed coup attempt, with President Arce blaming a general who in turn accused the president of staging it. The country remains divided on the events, with some calling it a political comedy.

Failed Coup Attempt in Bolivia

Bolivia experienced a failed coup d’etat attempt led by General Juan José Zúñiga, who was arrested after taking control of Plaza Murillo in front of the presidential palace. President Arce denounced the coup attempt and relieved the military leadership. Zúñiga claimed Arce instructed him to raise his popularity.

Failed Coup Attempt in Bolivia

A failed coup attempt in Bolivia led by a top general was quickly thwarted as President Luis Arce stood firm and ordered the troops to stand down. The rebellion lasted only three hours before the soldiers retreated and Arce's supporters celebrated outside the palace.

Failed Coup Attempt in Bolivia

Failed coup attempt in Bolivia as armored vehicles ram into government palace, President Luis Arce stands firm against attacks on democracy, urges people to mobilize. General commander of the army confronted in palace hallway. New heads of army, navy, and air force announced. Troops set up blockades outside palace, then pull back. Largest labor union declares indefinite strike in defense of government. Outrage from regional leaders and international organizations. Country facing economic crisis and political turmoil.

Potential coup attempt in Bolivia

Armored vehicles rammed into Bolivia’s government palace as top officials warned of a coup attempt, with former President Evo Morales denouncing the military movement as a coup in the making.

Accusations of Coup Attempt by Sara Netanyahu

Sara Netanyahu accused military chiefs of trying to carry out a coup against her husband during a meeting with families of hostages. She expressed a lack of confidence in the IDF's senior officers, which was met with pushback from the families present.