California Assembly's Efforts to Combat Retail Theft

The California Assembly introduces a package of bills to combat rising concerns over retail theft, with one key bill targeting serial retail thieves. The bills aim to provide law enforcement with new tools, promote diversion programs, and enhance data transparency. Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur leads the charge on this issue.

Governor Tony Evers Signs Bipartisan Bills in Wisconsin to Protect Judges and Combat Human Trafficking

Gov. Tony Evers signed bipartisan bills in Wisconsin to protect judges' safety and combat human trafficking after the killing of a retired judge. New laws include privacy protections for judges, training to identify human trafficking, and grants for crime victim services.

Deployment of National Guard in NYC Subways

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul deploys National Guard to subways to address rising crime concerns, sparking debate on the effectiveness and necessity of the move.

New York City Subway Safety

Gov. Kathy Hochul is deploying 1,000 State Police and National Guard members to patrol the New York City subway system to increase safety following a rise in crime incidents.

San Francisco Law-and-Order Ballot Measures

San Francisco voters passed law-and-order measures requiring welfare recipients suspected of using drugs to undergo screenings and expanding police surveillance powers. Mayor London Breed celebrates the changes as tools to address public safety and crime.