Incorporation of Bible and Ten Commandments in Oklahoma School Curriculum

Oklahoma schools are now required to incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in their curriculum, with the state's chief education officer citing the Bible as a foundational document for the Constitution and the country's history.

Lack of Oversight in Public School Curriculum Materials

Public schools in the U.S. often use curriculum materials without official oversight, leading to controversies and potential indoctrination. Teachers have significant autonomy in creating lesson plans, which can result in the promotion of certain ideologies or poorly developed educational content.

Maryland School District Upholds Policy on Gender Identity and Sexuality Curriculum for K-5 Children

A federal court upheld a Maryland school district policy that does not allow parents to opt their K-5 children out of curriculum about gender identity and sexuality. The court ruled that the policy did not violate parents' rights to direct their children's education based on religious beliefs.

Controversy over LGBTQ Curriculum in Maryland School District

Federal appeals court rules that Maryland's largest school district does not have to allow parents to opt their K-5 children out of classes and books discussing LGBTQ topics. Parents argue violation of First Amendment rights and want authority over what their children learn.

Controversy over Teaching Black History in Classrooms

Controversy over teaching Black history in classrooms leads to protests in Missouri after school board removes elective Black history and literature courses. Students and community members advocate for the courses to remain, emphasizing the importance of learning about African American history for critical thinking and empowerment.