Diplomatic Gift Exchange Between Putin and Kim Jong-un

Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un exchanged lavish gifts during Putin's first visit to Pyongyang in 24 years. The gifts included two Pungsan hunting dogs for Putin and an Aurus luxury vehicle, an admiral's dagger, and a tea set for Kim.

U.S. Congressional Delegation Visit to Taiwan

A U.S. congressional delegation visited Taiwan to show support for the new leader following China's military drills in response to his inauguration. The delegation reaffirmed the U.S.' commitment to supporting Taiwan militarily, diplomatically, and economically.

Diplomatic Efforts to Deescalate Conflict on Lebanon-Israel Border

French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné visits Lebanon to deescalate conflict on Lebanon-Israel border. Diplomatic efforts aim to broker a cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah. Western diplomats propose Hezbollah move forces from the border, beefed-up Lebanese army presence, and Israeli withdrawal from disputed points. Hezbollah links deal in Lebanon to Gaza cease-fire.

Israeli Response to Iranian Attack

Israeli official warns of imminent response to recent Iranian attack, but US expresses desire for de-escalation and coordination with international partners. Israel and US have differing views on potential actions.