US-Israel Diplomatic Relations

Sen. Bill Hagerty accuses President Biden of withholding arms from Israel despite approved sales by Congress, leading to rising tensions between the two governments.

Rare White Moose in Alberta and Murder Charge of Sikh Separatist Leader in British Columbia

A rare white moose was spotted in Alberta, Canada, while three Indian men have been charged with the murder of a Sikh separatist leader in British Columbia, leading to diplomatic tensions between India and Canada.

Philippines-China South China Sea Dispute

The Philippines summoned China's envoy to protest against aggressive actions in the South China Sea. China's coastguard used water cannon against a civilian boat supplying troops, leading to diplomatic tensions. The Philippines challenged China to take their claims to international arbitration.

Brazilian President accuses Israel of genocide in Gaza

Brazilian President Lula da Silva accused Israel of genocide in Gaza, straining the relationship between the two countries. He demanded Hamas release hostages but also criticized Israel's actions. His comments have caused diplomatic tensions and comparisons to Nazi Germany.