House Republicans unveil foreign aid bills

House Republicans are preparing to unveil foreign aid bills, setting up weekend votes on bills for foreign aid, national security, and the southern border. Speaker Mike Johnson informed members of the plan after significant feedback and discussion. The bills currently lack GOP votes to pass to the floor.

Ukraine Aid Bill and U.S. Border Security

Two years after Russia invaded Ukraine, a Fox News correspondent reports on a brutal massacre by Russian troops in Bucha. Rep. Fitzpatrick is preparing a discharge petition to force a vote on Ukraine aid if House Speaker Johnson does not act. There is pressure to provide aid to Ukraine amid recent losses in the war against Russia.

Push for bipartisan border and foreign aid bill in Congress

Representative Brian Fitzpatrick is leading a push to force a vote on a bipartisan border and foreign aid bill, with more Republican members of Congress willing to join him. He has spoken to several Republicans who are willing to sign the discharge petition, but he has chosen to keep their names private.