Biden's Struggle with Inflation and Public Opinion

The public is unhappy with President Joe Biden's economic leadership due to rising inflation, despite progressive claims that the economy is doing well. Biden's policies are seen as worsening inflation, and his party's leftward shift makes it difficult for him to address the issue effectively.

President Biden's Economic Leadership

Confidence in President Biden's economic leadership has reached a historically low point, with only 38% of Americans expressing confidence in his ability to handle the economy. This could have significant electoral implications as independents trust his opponent more. Biden's economic rating is the lowest of any president seeking reelection since 2001.

President Joe Biden's Economic Leadership Among Women

President Joe Biden's economic leadership is deeply unpopular with women, Hispanic voters, and younger Americans, with only 37% of women approving of his job performance overall. Women particularly disapprove of his handling of the economy, inflation, and immigration.