Misleading Social Media Posts About Michigan Town Clerk's Conviction

A Michigan town clerk pleaded no contest to misconduct in office related to her local primary race, not the 2020 presidential election. Social media posts falsely suggest her actions impacted the presidential election, contributing to the false narrative of election rigging.

Rep. Katie Porter's Claim About California Senate Race

Rep. Katie Porter regrets claiming California's Senate primary was rigged after losing to Rep. Adam Schiff, acknowledging the excellent job of California election officials and the influence of big money in elections.

Allegations of Election Rigging in U.S. Senate Race

Democrat Rep. Katie Porter of California claimed the U.S. Senate election had been rigged by Rep. Adam Schiff boosting Republican rival Steve Garvey into second place. Porter faced backlash from Democrats for her claims after voting to impeach Trump for inciting Capitol riot.

California Primary Election Rigging Allegations

Katie Porter suggests California primary race was rigged by billionaires after losing to Adam Schiff and Republican candidate Steve Garvey. Porter received millions in donations despite not accepting corporate PAC money.