Kansas Supreme Court ruling on 2021 election law

The Kansas Supreme Court issued a mixed ruling on a 2021 election law, upholding some provisions while reviving challenges to others. The court rejected arguments that the law violates state constitutional voting rights but faulted a provision that criminalizes impersonation of an election official. The ruling allows for the continuation of the ballot signature verification law and the limit on ballot collections.

Election Security Bill Requiring Proof of Citizenship

Discussion on a key election security bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections and purging noncitizens from voter rolls. The bill is supported by former President Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson.

Foreign Interference in the 2024 US Election

Foreign actors, including Russia, China, and Iran, are increasingly using sophisticated methods to interfere in the 2024 US election, but the US government is better prepared to counter these threats. The Senate Intelligence Committee is holding hearings to address the issue.

Safeguarding U.S. Elections from Foreign Threats

Biden administration officials express confidence in safeguarding U.S. elections but highlight ongoing threats from foreign adversaries and generative artificial intelligence. Efforts have improved since 2016, but challenges remain.

Comparison of Public Perception on President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump

A new poll from the AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research finds that many Americans believe both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump did more harm than good on key issues during their time in office. Biden is criticized for his handling of the economy and immigration, while Trump faces criticism on voting rights, election security, foreign relations, abortion laws, and climate change.

Conservative City in California Pushes for Voter ID Requirement

A conservative city in California, Huntington Beach, wants to introduce voter ID requirements for its future elections, going against state law. City officials believe it will boost security and confidence in the election system, while opponents argue it could disenfranchise certain groups of voters.

Election Security Tensions in Rural Northern California

In a rural northern California county, tensions are high surrounding election security, with residents expressing deep suspicions about the voting process and conspiracy theories. The county officials scrapped Dominion Voting Systems machines in favor of hand counting all votes, leading to a showdown with the state legislature. The situation reflects the broader political divide in the country following claims of election fraud by Donald Trump.

Election Security and Preparedness for 2024

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson reflects on lessons learned from the 2020 election and emphasizes the importance of protecting democracy and election security in preparation for the upcoming general election in November.