Attack on United States Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon

A man wearing ISIS insignia opened fire on the United States Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, leading to a gun battle with security forces. The gunman was arrested and the embassy remained in contact with Lebanese authorities for investigation.

Colombia Opening Embassy in Ramallah to Recognize Palestine

Colombia's far-left President Gustavo Petro is opening an embassy in Ramallah to recognize Palestine as a state, cutting ties with Israel. This decision follows accusations of genocide against Israel by Petro and Foreign Minister Murillo.

Mexico accuses Ecuador of violating international law

Mexico accuses Ecuador of violating international law by storming the Mexican Embassy in Quito to arrest former Vice President Jorge Glas, who had been granted asylum. Both countries have filed cases at the International Court of Justice against each other.

Escalating Tensions Between Iran and Israel

A top Iranian military adviser warns Israel that none of its embassies are safe following a strike in Damascus blamed on Israel that killed 12 people, including two Iranian generals. Israel has been preparing for an Iranian response without acknowledging its involvement. Tensions between the two countries are escalating as the war between Israel and Hamas marks six months.

Diplomatic Incident between Mexico and Ecuador

Mexico's President ordered an end to diplomatic relations with Ecuador after Ecuadoran police forces stormed the Mexican Embassy to arrest former Vice President Jorge Glas Espinel, who was seeking asylum.

Israel-Iran Tensions and Embassy Alert

Israel has put all of its embassies worldwide on high alert and warned officials to avoid public events due to fear of Iranian retaliation after a strike on the Iranian embassy in Damascus. CIA warns Iran may retaliate within 48 hours. IDF is at war.

Tensions Escalate Between Iran and Israel in Syria

Iran has vowed to retaliate after accusing Israel of bombing its embassy complex in Syria, resulting in the deaths of top Iranian officials and Syrian citizens. Tensions are escalating in the region, with threats of serious responses from Iran and its allies.

Attack on Israel's Embassy in The Hague

Dutch police arrest suspect for throwing burning object at Israel's embassy in The Hague, no injuries reported. Security around Israeli embassies increased due to Gaza conflict. Criticism allowed but violence unacceptable, says Dutch PM. Previous bomb scare at Israeli ambassador's residence in The Hague.

Americans detained by Israel

Three Americans detained by Israel last month, State Department in touch with them to gather information on their cases.

RNC Chair Resignation and Anti-War Protest in London

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel announces her resignation. Several hundred people protested against the war in Ukraine outside Russia's embassy in London.