Denmark's Tax on Livestock for Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Denmark will tax livestock farmers for greenhouse gases emitted by their animals, aiming to reduce methane emissions. The tax will start at $43 per ton of CO2 equivalent in 2030 and increase to $108 by 2035.

Taxing Livestock Emissions in Denmark

Denmark plans to tax livestock farmers for methane emissions from 2030 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70% from 1990 levels by 2030. The tax will start at 300 kroner per ton of carbon dioxide equivalent in 2030 and increase to 750 kroner by 2035, but with a 60% income tax deduction, the actual cost will be lower. Denmark aims to become climate neutral by 2045 and hopes other countries will follow suit.

Pope Francis and Climate Change

Pope Francis asserts that climate change is a crisis that is causing harm globally and particularly affects vulnerable populations. He criticizes the United States for its high emissions and calls for a change in lifestyle. The Vatican will host a 3-day climate summit in May.

Environmental Monitoring with C02 Sensors

Scientists at U.C. Berkeley using C02 sensors to monitor emissions could lead to a national program.

Energy-Efficient Tribal Community in Oregon

A new tribal community in Oregon is building energy-efficient homes to combat climate change and reduce emissions, with features like solar panels, battery storage, and all-electric appliances.

EPA Rule on Chemical Plant Emissions

The EPA has implemented a new rule that will require hundreds of chemical plants to limit emissions of carcinogenic pollutants ethylene oxide and chloroprene, affecting factories in Texas and Louisiana.

Cargo Bikes for Deliveries in New York City

New rules in New York City aim to promote the use of cargo bikes for deliveries over large trucks to reduce emissions as delivery consumption increases.

Oil and Gas Industry Methane Emissions

New research shows that the oil and gas industry may be emitting about three times more climate-warming methane than official estimates. The industry releases about 6.2 million tons of methane annually, valued at $1.08 billion. Various studies suggest that the EPA's estimates of methane emissions are too low, with the U.S. among countries pledging to cut methane pollution as a key climate goal.

Energy Efficiency in Apartment Buildings

New York City Housing Authority pilot project introduces window-mounted heat pumps to improve energy efficiency and lower emissions in apartment buildings, offering residents more control over their heating. The project aims to address the inefficient centralized steam boilers powered by oil or gas, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and saving on operating costs.

U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry discusses Russian-Ukraine war and climate change

U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry discusses the Russian-Ukraine war and climate change implications, urging Russia to reduce emissions to improve public perception of its actions.

Indian Firms Interested in Building Coal-Fired Power Plants

Major Indian firms are interested in building at least ten gigawatts of coal-fired power generation over the next decade, expanding existing plants and reviving stalled projects. This goes against India's goal of reducing emissions and transitioning to renewables.

Germany's Underground Carbon Storage Initiative

Germany plans to enable underground carbon storage at offshore sites to combat climate change, aiming to cut emissions to net zero by 2045. The proposed 'carbon management strategy' foresees storing carbon dioxide under the sea in Germany's exclusive economic zone.