EU Parliamentary Elections and Rise of Hard Right Parties

The EU parliamentary elections show a rise in hard right parties like Alternative for Germany, despite ongoing scandals. Mainstream parties are expected to retain majority but lose seats. Issues like war in Ukraine, migration, and climate policy are influencing voters. The elections come at a challenging time for the EU amid the pandemic, economic slump, and energy crisis.

Ecuador's Energy Crisis and Political Situation

Ecuador orders public and private sector workers to take Thursday and Friday off to save energy due to unprecedented power outages. President Daniel Noboa fires energy minister Andrea Arrobo, blames crisis on environmental circumstances and corruption. Critics concerned about Noboa's authoritarian actions.

Political Rally in Schnecksville, PA

Former President Donald Trump criticized President Joe Biden at a political rally in Schnecksville, PA, blaming him for inflation and weakness in foreign policy. Trump expressed support for Israel following an attack by Iran and promised to revive American strength abroad and at home if re-elected.

Protests in Cuba Over Economic and Energy Crises

Protesters in Cuba demand government action to address economic and energy crises, with calls for military support and an end to the Communist regime after over 60 years. Artists and public figures are bringing attention to the situation on social media.

Energy Crisis in Cuba and Protests Over Shortages

Cuba is facing an energy crisis with waves of blackouts worsening in recent weeks, leading to protests over shortages of food and electricity. The World Happiness Report highlights differences in happiness between generations.

Cuba Energy Crisis and Protests

Cuba is facing a severe energy crisis with widespread blackouts, food shortages, and lack of transportation, leading to anti-government protests and a deteriorating economic situation.

Protests in Cuba Over Economic and Energy Crises

Protesters in Cuba demand government action to address economic and energy crises leading to food shortages and blackouts. Senator Marco Rubio blames Marxism for the situation, while Cuban officials point to U.S. embargoes as a contributing factor. Ongoing protests call for electricity, food, and fundamental freedoms in Cuba.